(403) 402-2679

As we are still in the office through the summer, we would like to share some important updates regarding Practice For Sale.

We have a new listing available in Vancouver, BC. This practice is located in the heart of downtown with $380K in gross revenues (and growing). We are still working with the practitioner to get additional financial details about the practice. If you are interested, please let us know and we will send more information as soon as it is available.

We often get questions about our $1,000 non-refundable commission, so we’d like to explain again its purpose. This fee is in place to ensure that only qualified and genuinely interested buyers are making inquiries. It's a measure to protect both parties' time and resources. Importantly, this commission is credited towards the purchase price should the transaction be completed, ensuring that your investment is put to good use.

We understand that other brokers do not charge such commission, but they are not involved in the process as much as we are. Most other brokers are an advertising board, any prospective buyers are directed to the seller. We take the time to speak with the buyers to make sure the practice is a good fit for both parties. We also get involved in the due diligence process and the negotiations.

Lastly, the $1,000 commission is not charged upfront. We provide financial details to the interested parties first. If the buyer is serious about the purchase, they sign a Non Disclosure Agreement and pay the commission before they connect with the seller.


As you know, the bare trust reporting saga continues. More changes are coming this summer, stay tunned. This is a comprehensive article put together by KPMG Canada